The Log

Vendee Globe – Rounding the Horn
I found this wonderful picture on Google Images - it is credited to Cleo Barnham I do hope she doesn't mind. It was very embarrassing the other day when a French Journalist asked to interview m...
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What is it with Boat Builders?
Why are they all such charming people? It doesn’t seem to matter whether they are professional or amateur, or young or old, or from up North or down South or across the water, they are all really p...
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Arthur Beale’s are now stocking Rocna and Fortress Anchors. Luckily our decision regarding anchor choice was very easy as all the hard research had been done a few years ago while planning a trip t...
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Winter Sailing versus the London Boat Show
South Dock London Saturday, 27th December 2014 The Christmas rush is now over and our next task will be to remove the Arthur Beale Christmas Window Display. We are dithering about ideas for the n...
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