The Log

Arthur Beale wasn’t always a Yacht Chandler! 05
We supplied many prestigious explorers and mountaineers. Our next few posts will cover just a few of our surprising clients. Tim Severin Timothy Severin, born in India in 1940, is a British Exp...
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Got a New Diary for Christmas?
Well, turn to the page for "11th January" and enter - "Going to Dave Selby's Talk -"Marlin's Mission" at Arthur Beale 18:45". You won't want to miss this to put a big smile on your face! If you ar...
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Good Little Ship - A Talk by Peter Willis You've missed it!
Arthur Ransome’s "We Didn’t Mean to Go to Sea" was inspired by his boat the "Nancy Blackett" which appears in the book as the Goblin. But there was more to her influence on the novel than that,...
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Sailing Voyages - Success and Failure - A Talk at Arthur Beale - 25th October
On Wednesday 25th October Arthur Beale and Fernhurst Books will be hosting an evening looking at two contrasting voyages which are recounted in books from the Making Waves series. Kim C Sturgess...
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The Sea and The Snow - How we reached and climbed a volcano at the ends of the earth
6th October at 18:45 Our next event should be a corker, especially if you have an interest in real adventure and high latitude sailing. Fifty years ago ten young, or youthful, men set out to cli...
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Emma Bamford chooses Arthur Beale as the ideal venue for her book launch!
Wednesday 13th July 18:30 Emma Bamford is an author and journalist. She has worked at The Independent and the Daily Express and is currently Deputy Editor of Sailing Today magazine. Her new book...
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