Summer Holidays?

Summer Holidays?

ExpeditionsArthur Beale Admin
While the shop was basking in 38°C we were as cool as cucumbers in the icy coast off East Greenland. Here is Integrity, the wonderful yacht built b...
Tony Curphey - the oldest person the sail solo non-stop around the world!

Tony Curphey - the oldest person the sail solo non-stop around the world!

EventsArthur Beale Admin
Tony has arrived back in Hampshire after 30,000 miles of sailing in his 32 ft yacht Nicola Deux (a Nic 32). Apparently he is looking forward to a...
La Longue Route - Tony Curphey

La Longue Route - Tony Curphey

EventsArthur Beale Admin
La Logue Route is a circumnavigation according to the spirit of the great French sailor Bernard Moitessier. It is not a race but it's a pilgrimage...
The Best Priced Anti-fouling in Town!

The Best Priced Anti-fouling in Town!

GearArthur Beale Admin
Flag Cruising Antifouling 2.5 L - Just £34.20! Seajet Shogun Antifouling 2.5 L - Just £74.95! Both regular winners of awards in the Yachting Pr...
Johnson and Loftus Flying 10 wins Concours d'Elegance at RYA Dinghy Show

Johnson and Loftus Flying 10 wins Concours d'Elegance at RYA Dinghy Show

EventsArthur Beale Admin
Congratulations to Dan and Tim for winning the coveted Concours d'Elegance prize for their beautifull Flying 10. A well deserved award for their ef...
Flying 10 by Johnson and Loftus - Stop Press! THEY WON!!!

Flying 10 by Johnson and Loftus - Stop Press! THEY WON!!!

EventsArthur Beale Admin
Our friends Tim and Dan have just built this lovely Flying 10 which they will be exhibiting at the Dinghy Show this weekend. Before they can ente...
Emergency Navigation Lights

Emergency Navigation Lights

GearArthur Beale Admin
In the past we have supplied some pretty appalling dross which describes itself as "Emergency Navigation Lights". They remind me of CATNAPs which ...
Vendee Globe – Rounding the Horn

Vendee Globe – Rounding the Horn

SailingArthur Beale Admin
I found this wonderful picture on Google Images - it is credited to Cleo Barnham I do hope she doesn't mind. It was very embarrassing the other...
Mischief Among the Penguins

Mischief Among the Penguins

BooksArthur Beale Admin
There will be some real Mischief Among the Penguins this weekend as I battle to control a large waddle of them in our new Christmas window dis...
Another successful evening!

Another successful evening!

BooksArthur Beale Admin
On Thursday evening we had a virtually full house to hear Philip Temple talking about the adventurous expedition that he took part in to land on t...
It's Holiday Time

It's Holiday Time

SailingArthur Beale Admin
Well it is for me! No exotic plans this year. We may potter over to Holland if the wind is fair otherwise we will probably take the lovely clinker...
Scottish Islands Peaks Race

Scottish Islands Peaks Race

EventsArthur Beale Admin
The Scottish Islands Peaks Race starts this Friday at noon. I entered my yacht Sumara in 2012 and came outstandingly last. We were so late the off...